Born in 1950 at Gostini, Latvia. In 1973, absolved the Physics and mathematics faculty of the Latvian University, receiving the mathematician's specialty.  In 1977-1981 studied in the RTU postgraduate course. In 1984, defended the dissertation of the candidate of technical sciences on the theme "The automation of the dynamics modelling of spatial  mechanisms with changing structure". In 1992, received the Latvian Republic's scientific degree of a Doctor of Engineering sciences. From 1995, is a member of the Latvian National Committee of Mechanics.  From 1999, a Latvian Council of Science certified expert in the field of mechanical engineering sciences, a member of the Promotion Council on the Fields of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering Sciences. From 1973, works in the RTU as a research assistant, leading researcher, associate professor, professor. From 1985 to 1987 has worked in the VEF Scientific research institute as sector chief. Has led several research projects for industry as well as research projects financed by the Latvian Council of Science. Laureate of the State Prize in science in 1990. Author of more than 170 scientific publications.  Scientific work chiefly concerned with the modelling and optimization of machine dynamics, computer-aided design, as well as software development in various fields, including linguistics.